Henry N. Patten

As we left the halls of Stevens in 1961, I did not realize how important it was to remain in touch with all of those that I had met in Claremont.  I did go off to College in Iowa - had a stint with the Air Force until 1970 and then went into the family business.  I was married and we had 2 great sons-Eric and Evan.  As the years went on I migrated to Concord NH with my present wife, Kathy, where we now live.  We have been blessed with 6 Grandchildren.

Right now we get great pleasure in traveling the back roads of Northern New England and taking pictures.  Another favorite is collecting old post cards and then visiting those areas to see if we can recognize places on these cards.  Just a little bit of history.

I will be back for the 45th in Claremont, and hope to become reacquainted with those that I have missed seeing over the years, and to visit with those that I only see every 5 years.  I have kept in touch with a few close friends that I started school with in Claremont.  Hope to see you all in June at the reunion.