Bryant Eaton

Greetings to the Class of ’61 from beautiful Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, in the Bay of Fundy.

After graduating from Keene State College I served 4 years in the Army Security Agency based in Germany. Upon discharge in ’69, I married Martha Estle, originally from Littleton, NH, and entered the field of Special Education. We have two children, Alek and Alisa, and they each have one son. We moved to Canada in 1975 and subsequently became Canadian citizens. We have both worked as teachers, consultants, counselors, principals and school district supervisors.

Upon retirement from public education we moved on to the Peoples’ Republic of China, working as “foreign experts” in education for several years. Our passion is travel - to experience culture, meet people, and enjoy architecture, history, food, and wine of other countries. We have traveled extensively in Europe, the former Soviet Union, China, SE Asia, and New Zealand. This fall we will take our first tour group to China for a 17-day adventure.